Breakout Artist Comedy Series: Geoffrey Asmus
Geoffrey Asmus began performing stand-up in 2013 immediately after wasting $143,548 on four college degrees. Within a short time Geoffrey won Comedy on State’s “Funniest Person in Madison 2015” and Penguin Comedy Club’s “Funniest Person in Iowa 2015,” both times beating out the guy who invented meth, Quentin.
Soon after Geoffrey Asmus was selected as a ‘New Face’ at Just For Laughs in Montreal and performed on FOX’s ‘Laughs’ and Kevin Hart’s LOL Network. He has also performed at the Bridgetown, Limestone, and Boston comedy festivals and won 3rd place in 2017 at the Laughing Skull Festival in Atlanta. Geoffrey has opened for Brian Posehn, Aparna Nancherla, Todd Barry, Daniel Sloss, and Alonzo Bodden among others.
Offstage Geoffrey has written for College Humor, Splitsider, and the sketch group Mean Squad.
But no matter where he performs Geoffrey never makes eye contact, which is a blessing for all.
Carolines on Broadway is proud to present the Breakout Artist Comedy Series, a series which put the spotlight on the very best and brightest emerging stand-up comedians in their very own headlining show. These are the comedians that are currently plying their trade and honing their craft on their way to becoming the stars of tomorrow.
Want to know more about how we do stand up comedy here at Carolines? Make sure to follow our Instagram for hilarious clips from our shows, and check out our upcoming shows so you don’t miss out!