Matt Bellassai is a comedian, writer, and social media sensation known for his witty and irreverent takes on adulthood and the struggles of everyday life. Matt’s comedy combines the traditional formula of stand-up with his signature crabby prose on various topics affecting the masses. He expresses these daily frustrations on his hit Facebook series To Be Honest, his weekly podcast Unhappy Hour, and in stand-up shows across comedy clubs all over the country.
Matt boasts his writing chops with his new weekly newsletter, This is Gay Culture, where he persuades his readers as to why certain topics are just plain gay.
Matt first rose to success with his BuzzFeed web series, Whine About It, which drew over
3.5 million viewers a week and earned him the first-ever People’s Choice Award for Favorite Social Media Star. Matt is the author of the 2017 book Everything is Awful: And Other Observations, a collection of essays and cunning commentary. In December 2019, he fulfilled his life’s destiny as host of Harry Styles’s Fine Line Live Concert at The Forum.
Matt is currently working on his new stand-up show, a television series, and picking up a man.